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Itty Bittys

With popular characters and pop culture icons, Hallmark's itty bittys plush are so fun to collect that you'll want to own each and every one of these perfectly-sized companions.

Hallmark itty bittys Terminator 2: Judgment Day T-800 Plush With Light

Hallmark itty bittys Terminator 2: Judgment Day T-800 Plush With Light


Play to win when you let this Terminator 2: Judgment Day reprogrammed robot rescue you from going Hasta la vista, baby. With a metal face half covered with living tissue, this plush version of the iconic T-800 cybernetic organism, who travels back in time to protect the resistance leader John Connor, features a robotic eye that glows red when you press his belly. Fans of the T2 Endoskeleton character will want to add this light-up itty bittys plush to their collection and help keep an eye on any future visits from a T-1000.

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